Pulses on pushbutton
A friend was asking after a circuit for making pulses from a pushbutton on push and release. Two ways immediately suggest themselves- using a PIC and using a differentiator. The PIC is easy for me, at least- I have a small stock of 12F683s which are 8-pin devices. Add a bypass cap and you're in business- you could even reprogram it to change the delay, debounce the input, etc. Of course, not everyone has a PIC programmer, and I feel like it's a pretty trivial app for a PIC, so I'll not talk much more about it. The differentiator circuit is a little more involved. Apologies for the crappiness of the image- LTSpice doesn't generate great output images, for one, and this was part of a larger image (it started NPN based, and generated negative going pulses; that's where Q3, Q4, etc etc went). V3 is the switch- in the application, it should be a 100-ohm pull-up to 5V and a switch that yanks C2 to ground when it's closed. R4 pulls up the base of Q3 and Q4, keeping the...