A few weeks ago, I purchased 10 Atmega328P's from Mouser , naively thinking it would be easy enough to get them working on a breadboard as an Arduino sans the fancy (expensive) board. I was planning to use an FTDI USB to TTL serial data cable to bootload (I bought a 5V one, then realized that the two 3.3V ones I already had would work fine- lesson one of this saga). I also bought a some 16MHz crystals and the appropriate capacitors. At this point, I want to extend my thanks to whomever it was that decided a 6-pin AVRISP compatible ICSP header would be a value-add to the Arduino. I know that 95% of the Arduino users out there will NEVER use it, but I am very grateful. So, first hurdle- I figure I'll take one of the 328s and upgrade my Arduino (it was one of the, what, six? Duemilanove's that shipped with a 168 from the factory). Supposedly, the Arduino IDE has the capability of loading the bootloader onto a blank chip through an AVRISP, but I'll be buggered if I co...
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